Monday, November 4, 2019

Beauty Tips for Hair

If there is one common dream that most women share, then it is having long, shiny and healthy-looking hair. But we have all suffered from lackluster, brittle, hay-like hair at some of the other points!

The scalp or the skin covering the head is like the skin on the body, but with a greater number of large, terminal hair follicles. Diet and nutrition, hygiene practices, type and usage of hair care products, etc. affect scalp health, growth of follicular units and hair.

If you use a blow drying method to dry your hair, then it’s probably the time to change. Use a terry towel to wrap your wet hair and leave it till the hair dries. This helps in giving healthy hair.

Do not style too much. Go for natural ways. Air-dry your hair instead of using blow dryers. Use your fingers to style it. This is mostly seen among French women and girls.

Do use a clarifying shampoo every once in a while or the product build-up will affect the results that you shampoo has. Ladies, please remember that the shampoo is meant to clean your scalp and not condition your hair so aver doing the shampoo for dry hair is not going to help you in any way. If anything it will only cause harm in the long run. Use only a drop the size of a coin for one wash, it is more than sufficient.

To boost your highlights and make them shimmer, add a tbsp. of honey to your favorite conditioner and use it. This is a Romanian trick.

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